Bauhaus100: Invitation to the Bauhaus.Semester Opening Ceremony

The Bauhaus.Semester will officially start with the 2018/2019 winter semester on Wednesday 17 October 2018. All University members as well as interested members of the public are cordially invited to the Opening Ceremony for the beginning of this special semester and the start of the anniversary programme commemorating 100 years since the foundation of the State Bauhaus.

In addition to a parade through selected Bauhaus sites in the city of Weimar, guests can look forward to performances and music, as well as culinary delights at the Bauhaus.Atelier.

Wednesday 17 October 2018
5.30 pm     
Guided tour to the Bauhaus.Oases throughout the city of Weimar to open the Bauhaus.Semester; Audimax (University Library), Steubenstraße 6, 99423 Weimar
From 7.00 pm  
Bauhaus.Semester Opening Ceremony at the Bauhaus.Atelier
Behind the Main Building, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 6, 99423 Weimar
Join us in celebrating the new academic year and the start of the Bauhaus.Semester! We look forward to seeing you!