For many years now, the introductory course has been the prelude to studying for newly enrolled architecture students. This winter semester – the Bauhaus.Semester – the course is interdisciplinary for the first time and involves three faculties and four degree programmes.
During the two-week course, around 200 students from the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Art and Design, and Media analysed Bauhaus-relevant locations in Weimar according to their discipline. These included the Tempelherrenhaus and the Kunsthalle Harry Graf Kessler on Goetheplatz. The students then worked with a choreographer from the Palucca University of Dance in Dresden to devise a performance, which they then performed on 17 October. Guests were invited on so-called Bauhaus.Processions--essentially unconventional strolls through the town of Weimar with impromptu performances in a flash mob style.
The processions also formed the highlight of the event marking the launch of the Bauhaus.Semester. From 5:30 pm, guests of the Bauhaus.Semester opening ceremony joined students on a walk to further Bauhaus.Oases in the town centre. The celebratory experimental procession ended at the Bauhaus.Atelier at around 7 pm where the Bauhaus.Semester officially launched and the start of 100 years of Bauhaus was celebrated with music and drinks.
Faculty participants
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
Professorships for Building Morphology, Prof. Bernd Rudolf
Dr. Luise Nerlich (organisation)
Julia Heinemann
Tom Lüdecke
Dr. Sabine Zierold
Martin Ahner
Hagen Höllering
Professorship for Presentation Methodology, Prof. Andreas Kästner
Urban Planning:
Dr. Julia Gamberini
Uta Merkle
Professorship for Spatial Planning and Research, Prof. Dr. Max Welch Guerra
Faculty of Art and Design
Francis Zeischegg
Professorship for Art Education, Prof. Dr. Andrea Dreyer
Faculty of Media Film and Media Studies
Gerrit Heber
Laura Khachab
Dr. Simon Frisch