Denkraum.Bauhaus – ideas for contemporary education

As part of the »100 Years of Bauhaus« Centenary events, »Denkraum.Bauhaus« is taking place from 27 to 29 September 2019. This congress combines the International Symposium on the Education of Architecture and the Federal Congress of Art Education for the first time. Denkraum.Bauhaus focuses on the question of contemporary education and the ensuing responsibility of architects, artists and designers in the field of education.


At the heart of this interdisciplinary discourse lies the question of contemporary pedagogy for a subsequent generation, and the positions of responsibility held by architects, artists and designers in terms of educating for maturity and participation in society. Participants will also discuss the topicality of the utopic ideas and pedagogy of the Bauhaus in its uptake for contemporary education. By means of a think tank prepared in terms of content in collaboration with distinguished experts, the congress promises to make an important contribution to the discourse on professional qualifications of artists, designers and architects as well as educators. The programme is comprised of a variety of different event formats such as presentations and workshops, critical thought processes on authentic Bauhaus locations as well as a performance of The Triadic Ballet by Oskar Schlemmer. Some 300 school-based and extracurricular educators as well as university teachers of architecture, design and art are expected at the congress. 

Denkraum.Bauhaus will focus on the following main topics: experiencing and creating complexity, forming and consulting modern attitudes, answering virtual realities, maintaining public and community, encountering material, interpreting space, creating space and resonance.

The congress is organised by Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in cooperation with the Chamber of Architects of Thuringia (AKT), the Association for Art Education (BDK) and other partners, and is sponsored by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar »Bauhaus100« fund.

The full programme as well as registration can be accessed on the congress website:

6th International Symposium on the Education of Architecture and
Federal Congress of Art Education
27 to 29 September 2019
Various locations across the city of Weimar

Please contact Dr. Luise Nerlich, Research Associate in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Chair of Building Morphology via email: denkraum[at] or Dominic Dives, Research Associate in the Faculty of Art and Design, Chair of Art and its Didactics, email: dominic.dives[at] if you have any questions about the congress.