1000 ⁰C – Synergy effects of glass craftsmanship and product design
The combination of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary product design result in surprising and innovative designs and experiments.
Manifest of Practice
The »Manifest of Practice« exhibition illustrates the Faculty of Art and Design’s current positions and exemplifies the dialogue between the Faculty’s art and design disciplines.
Bach at the Bauhaus
Many of the artists of the newly-established Bauhaus movement in the 1920s in Weimar appreciated the music of Johann Sebastian Bach as an important source of inspiration, among others in their search for constructive principles for abstract art.
»Bauhaus Studio100« is an extraordinary Bauhaus-exhibition on the occasion of the Bauhaus centenary.
The Digital Bauhaus-Orchestra
The Digital Bauhaus-Orchestra is an ensemble of 12 musicians composing for and performing on electro-acoustic instruments.
NEXT100 is a unique Weimar‐based exhibition platform that presents experiemental, large format installations, audio‐visual performances and media architecture works, from an array of international artists, that address the role of technology to explore new artistic formats and potentials.
Radiophonic Spaces
A sonic journey through radio art